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Der Albaner [2010] [titra shqip] [UniVerseHub]

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Der Albaner [Shqiptari]

Arbeni është një i ri shqiptar që së bashku me të atin punojnë si në Greqi ashtu edhe në Shqipëri për të fituar disa para. Cdo gjë është në rregull deri kur Arbeni arrin moshën 20 vjec dhe familja fillon të shqetësohet për të ardhmen e tij. Ai është i dashuruar me Etlevën, një vajzë e cila jeton në një fermë në male, afër shtëpisë së tij. Ajo është shtatëzanë me fëmijën e Arbenit, por i ati nuk e lejon të martohet nqs Arbeni nuk i jep 10,000 € në mënyrë që të shlyejë disa borxhe. Arbeni premton se do ti gjejë paratë brenda gjashtë muajve dhe vendos të shkojë në Gjermani për të punuar.
Kur arrin në Gjermani, askush nuk pret për të, nuk ka vizë, as emër, asnjë gjë dhe njihet thjesht si "Shqiptari". Për të mbijetuar ai fillon të punojë për një kompani që merret me pastrim, fle jashtë dhe me shumë mundim arrin të fitojë 20 € në ditë. Gjithcka ndryshon kur ai takohet me Slatkon. Slatko është i sëmurë me pneumoni dhe Arbeni një ditë i shpëton jetën kur e con te një doktor. Kjo miqësi e re do të hapë shumë dyer për Shqiptarin e ri. Ai futet në biznesin e trafikut të qenieve njerëzore, një biznes i rrezikshëm dhe me shumë të ardhura. Arbeni është i aftë në atë që bën por ka zgjedhur anën e gabuar për të fituar para. Bosi i tij Serb do të vritet nga një rival Polak. I vënë nën presion, i vetëm dhe me shumë pak kohë në dispozicion, Arbeni kupton se mund ti besojë vetëm vetes tashmë. Sa më shumë rrezik, aq më shumë të ardhura.

Një natë, Arbeni vret një kryetar bande dhe vjedh një shumë të konsiderueshme eurosh. Tashmë ai mund të rikthehet në shtëpi dhe të martohet me Etlevën. Arbeni i ka paratë e kërkuara nga i ati i saj, një makinë të re dhe rroba të qepura me kujdes. Kur kthehet në shtëpi kupton se askush nuk e priste më në Shqipëri. Ai është rikthyer shumë vonë. Elteva është refuzuar nga i ati pasi lindi fëmijën e vetme. Dhe kur Arbeni më së fundi e gjen në Tiranë, e gjithë dashuria është kthyer në urrejtje. Ajo tashmë ka rreshtur së prituri duke qenë se Arbeni nuk ishte pranë saj kur fëmija lindi. Ai nuk e mbajti premtimin e tij.

Rreth Filmit:
Filmi është një udhëtim në anën e errët të ëndrrës Europiane. Atje ku askush nuk të shikon, atje ku askujt nuk i intereson, ku mërgimi, vetmia dhe paraja mbizotërojnë. Kjo është historia e Arbenit, "Shqiptarit", i cili largohet nga vendi më i varfër i Europës për në atë më të pasurin. Ai ka nevojë për para për tu martuar dhe respektuar urdhërat e njerëzve të tij. Ai do të kuptojë se dhe vendi më i pasur ka rregullat e veta, që nuk mirëpret të ardhurit, dhe ku më i forti mbijeton. "Shqiptari" është njëri prej tyre, që do ta paguajë, duke kuptuar se humbja e pafajësisë nuk të garanton një biletë kthimi të ndershme.

Regjia Johannes Naber
Aktorë Nik Xhelilaj, Xhejlane Terbunja, Ivan Shvedoff, Amos Zaharia, Stipe Erçeg, Çun Lajçi, Luan Jaha, Andre M. Hennicke, Bruno Shllaku, Eva Löbau, Guljem Radoja, Yllka Mujo, Julian Deda, Tomek Nowicki, Vasillaq Godo
Zhanri Dramë
Minutazhi 104 min
Kompania Neue Schönhauser Filmproduktion GmbH

The dark side of the European dream.

A one-way trip to the dark side of the European dream. Where no one looks. Where no one cares. Where exile, loneliness and money prevail. This is the story of Arben, ”the Albanian“, who leaves the poorest country of Europe for the richest. He needs money to marry and obey the rules of his people. But the eldorado has its own rules, it is not welcoming to strangers and only the strongest survive. ”The Albanian“ is one of them, and he will pay the price. And learn that losing his innocence does not guarantee a fair return ticket.

Arben is Albanian. With his father, he goes back and forth between Greece and Albania to make some money. It’s enough as far as Arben’s family is concerned but it’s not enough to get married. And at 20, Arben is deeply in love with Etleva, a girl who lives on a farm close to his in the mountains. She’s pregnant with Arben’s child but her father wants 10.000 euros for her because he has debts. Arben promises he will get the money within six months and decides to go to Germany. But Germany does not wait for him and in Berlin, Arben has no visa, almost no name, he is ”the Albanian“. To survive, he starts working for a cleaning company, he sleeps outside and makes barely 20 euros per day. Everything changes when he meets Slatko. Slatko is ill, he has pneumonia and Arben saves his life by taking him to a doctor. This friendship opens doors for the young Albanian. He enters the human trafficking business, a business full of risk and money. Arben is good at it but he has chosen the wrong side. His Serbian boss is killed by a Polish rival. Under pressure, alone, with no time left, Arben realises that he can only count on himself. More risk, more money. One night, Arben murders the Pole and steals thousands of euros. Now he can return home to marry Etleva. He has the money, a brand new car, some tailor-made clothes. He’s a new man. But nobody waits for him in Albania. He is too late. Etleva was rejected by her father after giving birth alone. And when Arben finally finds her in Tirana, love has turned into hate. Etleva has stopped waiting. Arben wasn’t by her side when their child was born. He did not fulfill his promise.

Interview mit Johannes Naber, writer and director

What is the Movie‘s theme? How did you come on to it?
The first theme is illegal immigration. And the second theme, that’s to say Albania, its culture and people were only added later. I wanted to tell a story about illegal immigrants. Why do they come to us in Germany? What motivates them? How do they manage to survive here? It is estimated that there is at the moment more than a million immigrants living in Germany, without residence permits. One million people, that work, eat, live and die, without being documented by any statistic or registered anywhere. And that in overregulated Germany! These people go through a lot of trouble, not to be noticed by us. And then it is like that: Nobody notices them. So it is high time that we pay attention to their fate and fortune.
Isn’t this rather a topic for a documentary?
I come from documentary filmmaking, so it seems natural to approach the topic in documentary style. But two things are immediately clear: it’s very difficult to get an illegal immigrant to appear in front of the camera, with that they risk too much. And when we really want to understand them, then we have to show how and why they leave their homes in the first place. That’s almost impossible. One can of course fake a documentary, like Michael Winterbottom had done for instance. But that is not my cup of tea. So I’ve decided to write a fictional story, based on what might be the research done for a documentary.
Why Albania?
Albania appealed to me because it lays so close to Europe, and because of his strange history. After ages of paranoid Stone Age-Stalinism, Albania developed into a turbo capitalistic media society. An enormous plunge. I went there for the first time in 2001 - with a minibus and a video camera. The mix between the archaic and the modern, between honorable pride and unconditional hospitality, that I came across, impressed me immensely. The prejudice against Albania that exists in Europe, is so absurd that it quickly became a second reason for making the movie: to put the country back in context. This country needs a chance in Europe, and therefore we still need to overcome a heap of clichés.
Doesn’t the movie represent exactly these clichés about criminal Albanians?
Initially perhaps. But doesn’t the movie explain to everyone why an illegal immigrant in Schengen-Europe doesn’t have much choice than to deal in illegal prospects? And that isn’t a problem of mentality, but a problem of the system and that it concerns us all?
How was working with the main actor Nik Xhelilaj? Where did you find him?
There are no casting-agencies in Albania and Kosovo. Over there it means starting from scratch, by arranging a group casting. That’s how it works in Albania. Like the Dardenne-Brothers did two years ago for ”The Silence of Lorna“, I also started at zero. An absurd waste of time, also for the actors. Yes, and at some point Nik came to the casting and it was immediately clear. He won the part without any effort. It was so easy. There is no scene in this movie without Nik. Arben’s character development and the part he plays, is immense. It carries the story. I’ve helped Nik to find the personage, but at the end, it was Nik – assisted by the script - that defined the character. That is only possible with an exceptionally talented actor. Additionally he couldn’t speak a word of German. He picked a couple of phrases and improvised with what he had. I taught him some more words or suggested to leave away a few he had, depending on the scene and on how good Arben’s German would have had to be at certain different points.


”The Albanian“ is the third movie for the actor from Tirana after ”The Sorrow of Mrs. Shnajder” by Piro Milkani (2005) and ”Alive“ by Artan Minarolli (2008)

His beloved, who is pregnant with his baby.
”The Albanian“ is her cinema debut. She comes from Kosovo and studied acting at the State Art Academe in Pristina (2005-2009).

A sick immigrant, that Arben nurses back to health and befriends.
This Russian actor who lives in Prague is known to the German Audience mainly from ”England“ by Achim von Borries (1999) and ”Lights“ by Hans-Christian Schmid (2003).

Arben’s talented younger brother that betrays him.
Played in several Albanian short fi lms, won as best actor in ”She, The Saint“ by Eno Milkani (2007) on the International Filmfestival in Tirana. Studies at Marubi-School in Tirana, to become a director.

A two-faced people smuggler.
Known for ”The Edukators“ by Hans Weingartner (2004) and as furious Holger Meins in Bernd Eichingers ”Baader Meinhof Komplex“ (2008).

ÇUN LAJÇI (Arben's father)
For whom the honor of the family is of main concern.
An actor from Kosovo. Known for ”Kolonel Bunker“ by Kujtim Cashku (1996) and ”Time of the Comets“ by Fatmir Koci (2008)

LUAN JAHA (Arben's uncle)
Who understands Arben, and helps him to make his way to Germany.
Actor and director from Kosovo well known as the main role in ”Kukumi” by Isa Qosja

ANDRÉ M. HENNICKE (The Pharmacist)
Who doesn’t send the illegal immigrants back onto the street.
”Der Untergang“, Dir: O. Hirschbiegel, ”Alter Affe Angst“, Dir: Oskar Roehler, ”Toter Mann“, Dir: Christian Petzold

Who mediates the illegal crossing to Germany, for Arben.
Cinema- and theater actor from Shkoder, Albania. Played among other things in ”Alive“ by Artan Minarolli and ”Busulla“ by Buyar Alimani.

EVA LÖBAU (Nicola)
Who falls inlove with Slatko and marries him.
"Hotel Very Welcome“, (2007) "Der Wald vor lauter Bäumen“, (2003) "Das Verlangen“, (2002)

GULJEM RADOJA (Etleva's father)
who rejects his daughter, because she is pregnant with a
fatherless baby.

Albanian actor. ”Kolonel Bunker“ by Kujtim Cashku(1996) and ”Necrologij“ by Fatmir Koci(1994)

YLLKA MUJO (Etleva's mother)
Who is pulling strings behind the scenes.
”Honeymoons“, a Serbian-Albanian movie by Goran Pascaljevic(2009) and ”Black Flowers, Red Flowers“ (2003)

Was an immigrant worker in Leverkusen, Germany.
Albanian actor and comedian, part of a well-known albanian TV comedy show. Performed along with Nik Xhelilaj in Artan Minarolli’s movie ”Alive“ (2008).

TOMEK NOWICKI (People Smuggler)
Damir’s competitor in the people smugglers-business.
”Rosa Roth“, ”KDD“, ”Großstadtrevier“, ”Polizeiruf 110“. German actor of polish origin.

VASILLAQ GODO (Arben's grandfather)
A proud and grumpy man of the mountains.
A South-Albanian theater actor from Vlora. Also played in the movie ”The General Of The Dead Army“ by Dhimiter Anagnosti (1989)

Kohëzgjatja: 104 minuta


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